About Walsh

Hais Txog Dr. Flojaune Cofer

Kuv tab tom tso npe nkag ua tus tswv nroog vim kuv loj hlob nrog kev kawm paub txog qhov zoo tshaj plaws thiab phem tshaj plaws ntawm tej kab kev ua haujlwm. Kuv xav coj cov kev paub uas kuv tau kawm paub tam li yog ib tug menyuam yaus uas ntsib kev ploj plam, ib tug neeg hluas uas ua tim khawv rau kev tsis ncaj ncees, ib tug neeg hluas uas hnub nyoog tab tom yuav txaus, thiab ib tug kws ua haujlwm nyob rau kev noj qab haus huv rau pej xeem thiab kev tawm tswv yim txog txoj cai tswj hwm los pab txhawb peb lub nroog mus rau yav tom ntej uas yuav ua kom tau raws li txhua leej tej kev xav tau.

As mayor, I’ll provide the leadership to solve our homelessness and housing crisis, make our streets safer, and create thousands of quality jobs while protecting our climate. As the four-term chair of Sacramento’s Measure U committee, which advised the city on how to spend revenue from a sales tax increase that people voted for, I pushed city leaders to spend our hard-earned taxpayer money in the ways that the public demanded: solutions to homelessness, and programs for our youth. When city officials failed to listen to the people, and refused to take real steps to solve the growing problems on our streets, I decided to run for office. With support from thousands of volunteers across Sacramento, we’re building a people-powered movement for change.

About Walsh

Kev Loj Hlob Mus Ntxiv

Kuv niam thiab kuv txiv tau sib ntsib thaum qhia ntawv nyob rau tsev kawm theem nrab; kuv niam qhia lus Askiv, thiab kuv txiv qhia lej. Vim tau txais kev saib xyuas kom loj hlob los ntawm ob tug kws qhia ntawv hauv tsev kawm theem nrab, kuv tau tsim ib txoj kev hlub rau cov ntawv nyeem, kev kos duab, kev kis las, thiab kev pab cuam hauv zej zog, nyob rau lub sijhawm uas tseem tau kawm paub txog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm kev xav kom txhij txhua thiab kom sawv daws ntseeg siab thiab hwm kuv lub suab.

Kuv niam kuv txiv xav kom kuv nrhiav kuv lub suab thiab nug txhua yam uas xav nug. Nkawv tau txhawb kuv txoj kev xav paub xav pom thiab txoj kev kub siab. Nkawv tau ua kom kuv muaj ib txoj kev hlub tus kheej thiab kev paub txog yam uas yog yus ntiag tug thiab kev feem xyuam nyob rau hauv kuv lub zej zog.

About Walsh

Lighting My Fire

Kuv txiv tau tso kuv tseg thaum kuv muaj hnub nyoog 11 xyoos vim mob plawv nres. Thaum nws muaj hnub nyoog 47 xyoo. Kuv txiv haus luam yeeb Newport, uas pib tus cwj pwm thaum lub sijhawm uas cov tuam txhab luam yeeb tau dag txog cov kev puas tsuaj uas paub thiab ua lag luam loj rau cov zej zog Neeg Dub. Nws kuj tau ua haujlwm hauv cov tuam tsev uas muaj hmoov pob zeb cuam tshuam. Kuv txiv txoj kev tuag zoo li yog yam tiv thaiv tau yog tias muaj txoj cai nyob rau nws lub neej los tiv thaiv nws. Kev plam kuv txiv mus los ntawm yam uas tiv thaiv tau nws tau txhawb siab rau kuv txoj kev nrhiav txog kev noj qab haus huv rau pej xeem thiab kev tawm tswv yim txog txoj cai hwm.

About Walsh

Kev Nrhiav Kuv Lub SuabVoice

Kuv tau mus kawm ntawv qib siab hauv Atlanta, Georgia ntawm tsev kawm Spelman College, uas yog ib lub tsev kawm ntawv qib siab ntawm Neeg Dub raws keeb kwm rau cov poj niam. Kuv tau kawm txog Chemistry thiab Kev Tshawb Fawb Txog Poj Niam thaum kuv muab kuv tus kheej pub rau cov luag haujlwm kev ua thawj coj thiab kev ua haujlwm ua ibn tug neeg npaj tub ntxhais kawm.Tom qab kawm tiav npav tshawm lawm, kuv mus kawm tiav MPH thiab dov tawj (Doctorate) uas yog kawm txog Epidemiology nyob rau tsev kawm University of Michigan Lub Tsev Kawm Txog Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Rau Pej Xeem (School of Public Health), tsom ntsees rau kev noj qab haus huv rau kev yug menyuam ntawm haiv neeg xeeb txawm thiab cov poj niam laus txoj kev noj qab haus huv. Los ntawm qhov kev li ntawd, kuv tau npaj kuv tus kheej nrog cov cuab yeej los mus tiv thaiv peb cov zej zog kom zoo dua qub.

About Walsh

Kev Siv Kuv Lub SuabImpact in California

Kuv tau pib kuv txoj haujlwm hauv California txoj haujlwm kev noj qab haus huv rau pej xeem uas yog ib tug Kws Pab Txog Kev Pab Tshuaj Ntsuam Kev Kis Kab Mob hauv California (Epidemiologic Investigation Service Fellow), tom qab ntawd ua haujlwm nrog tsev kawm University of California, San Francisco uas yog ua txog cov poj niam cov kev nqis tes txog kev noj qab haus huv uas tiv thaiv tau.

I used my experience and education to advocate for preventive services for women and access to free wellness visits, maternity care coverage, breast pumps, and birth control.

I transitioned to Senior Policy Director at Public Health Advocates to make a bigger impact for people across California. In my six years there, we have passed state and local policies related to marijuana legalization, community safety, nutrition, diabetes prevention, and racial equity.

I’ve seen firsthand how corporate lobbyists influence government to drive up healthcare costs. I’ve also seen how people can stand up together to make government work for all of us.

As a leader on Sacramento’s Active Transportation Commission, Mayor’s Commission on Climate Change, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Outreach Community Advisory Board, and the Measure U Community Advisory Commission I’ve advocated for policies that improve people’s lives in our city.

As mayor, I’ll collaborate with leaders across the city and state to reduce homelessness, improve our public transportation, make housing more affordable, and make City Hall serve the people.

About Walsh

Kuv ntseeg hais tias yuav ua tau ntau yam ntxiv.for sacramento 

Hauv kuv lub neej kuv tau pab saib xyuas cov neeg hauv tsev neeg uas muaj kab mob tsis tu qab thiab tau pom cov txiaj ntsig pab ntawm cov vaj tsev pheej yig thiab qhov tsis zoo ntawm cov peev txheej kev pab uas muaj tsawg rau cov neeg laus lossis muaj kev xiam oob qhab.Kuv tau coj kev tiav log rau cov txheej txheem kev noj qab haus huv thiab muaj kev ntxhov siab vim tsis muaj cov kev pab cuam uas xav tau. Kuv tau koom kos npe rau cov tsev kem thiab pab kom sawv daws tau nyob nrog kuv txhawm rau pab kom sawv daws muaj vaj tsev nyob nyab xeeb ruaj khov thiab nqi pheej yig.Kuv kuj tau coj cov phooj ywg uas tsis muaj tsev nyob mus ncig txhawm rau pab ua kom lawv nkag tau mus rau lub koom haum pab cuam uas puas ntsoog, uas yog yam nyuaj thiab ntxhov siab rau kev coj kev. Kuv tau tawm tsam txog kev ntxub ntxaug haiv thiab kev ua txhaum ntawm tub ceev xwm thiab raug tsheb kauj vab thiab pob tawb nrau.Kuv tau qhia kuv tej kev ntxhov siab rau lub Tsev Saib Xyuas Nroog (City Hall) thiab tau ntsib nrog hwj chim tub ceev xwm ntau ntxiv.Kuv tau muab cov tswv yim txog txoj cai tswj hwm nroog tsuas yog muab rau yam uas tsis raug cai thiab tsis lees paub raws kab kev los ntawm cov cai tswj hwm uas nrhiav kom tsis txhob muaj kev cuam tshuam ntawm tsoom neeg pab dawb thiab cov thawj coj.Kuv qhov kev paub dhau los uas muaj qhov zoo tshaj plaws thiab qhov phem tshaj plaws ntawm peb cov kab kev ua haujlwm muab cov piv txwv uas pom tseeb rau kuv txog yam uas siv tau thiab yam uas tsim nyog muaj. Kuv muaj cov kev txawj ntse txog kev xav paub xav pom thiab kev tshawb fawb, kev paub txog kev sib koom tes, thiab kev cog siab cog ntsws txhawm rau nrhiav cov kev daws teeb meem uas ua tau. Kuv muaj lub siab tawv los txheeb xyuas thiab rau npe rau yam uas siv tsis tau thiab qhov kev muaj rab peev xwm los mus sim qee yam tshiab. Kuv nkag siab txog cov kab kev ua haujlwm, hwm cov zej zog, thiab siv ntaub ntawv los pab txiav txim siab.

Kuv xav yog koj tus tswv nroog vim Sacramento tsim nyog muaj ib tug thawj coj uas muaj lub zeem muag uas yuav teeb tsa txoj cai tswj hwm thiab yam tseem ceeb ua ntej ntawm pob nyiaj npaj, tsoom thawj coj saib xyuas thiab pawg thawj coj los koom tes nrog cov kev lag luam hauv lub nroog, muab cov txheej txheem meej rau kev tswj hwm thiab cov tswv yim rau lub zej zog, tshawb nrhiav txoj hauv kev txuag nyiaj thiab txhim kho qhov kev taus txais txiaj ntsig zoo ntawm kev siv nyiaj, koom nrog cov dej num xim ntsuab thiab tsim cov haujlwm xim ntsuab uas ua tau raws li cov hom phiaj ntawm huab cua thiab kev muaj noj muaj haus, thiab ua kom peb cov zej zog muaj kev nyab xeeb.

Peter Mcneeley
Product Usability Specialist