
关于 弗洛博士


As mayor, I’ll provide the leadership to solve our homelessness and housing crisis, make our streets safer, and create thousands of quality jobs while protecting our climate. As the four-term chair of Sacramento’s Measure U committee, which advised the city on how to spend revenue from a sales tax increase that people voted for, I pushed city leaders to spend our hard-earned taxpayer money in the ways that the public demanded: solutions to homelessness, and programs for our youth. When city officials failed to listen to the people, and refused to take real steps to solve the growing problems on our streets, I decided to run for office. With support from thousands of volunteers across Sacramento, we’re building a people-powered movement for change.




My parents often sat at the dining room table with their former students helping them with college admissions essays. Dad was a girls basketball coach, and mom brought me along to drive disabled seniors to their appointments. They taught me the importance of community and taking care of each other.



我在 11 岁时因充血性心力衰竭失去了父亲。他当时 47 岁。我父亲吸纽波特香烟是在烟草公司对已知危害撒谎并大量向黑人社区销售的时候开始吸烟的。他还曾在石棉受干扰的建筑物中工作。如果我父亲一生的政策保护他,他的死很可能是可以避免的。 That’s why today I fight for policies that enable us to live longer, healthier, and happier lives with our loved ones, like making sure we can afford a roof over our heads.




After undergrad, I earned a Master in Public Health and PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health, focusing on women's health. I equipped myself with tools to better protect our communities.


使用我的声音Impact in California


I used my experience and education to advocate for preventive services for women and access to free wellness visits, maternity care coverage, breast pumps, and birth control.

I transitioned to Senior Policy Director at Public Health Advocates to make a bigger impact for people across California. In my six years there, we have passed state and local policies related to marijuana legalization, community safety, nutrition, diabetes prevention, and racial equity.

I’ve seen firsthand how corporate lobbyists influence government to drive up healthcare costs. I’ve also seen how people can stand up together to make government work for all of us.

As a leader on Sacramento’s Active Transportation Commission, Mayor’s Commission on Climate Change, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Outreach Community Advisory Board, and the Measure U Community Advisory Commission I’ve advocated for policies that improve people’s lives in our city.

As mayor, I’ll collaborate with leaders across the city and state to reduce homelessness, improve our public transportation, make housing more affordable, and make City Hall serve the people.


更多可能!for sacramento 


California is estimated to be the fifth largest economy in the world today, just behind Germany, but larger than India. As the capital of the richest state in the richest country in the world, it’s outrageous that we have thousands of people sleeping in the streets. Our city has a huge budget that could be used to make our lives better, but it’s been woefully mismanaged.

As mayor, I’ll work with city council and leaders across the city to determine how we can spend our resources effectively to achieve  our top priorities: reduce homelessness, expand affordable housing, improve public safety, and launch a Green New Deal to create thousands of great jobs while protecting our climate and improving our infrastructure.

Why should we trust the same politicians who got Sacramento into this situation to get us out of it? While I respect my opponents in this race, they had their chance in government to make a difference, but things kept getting worse. It’s time for new leadership in Sacramento. More is possible for our city. I look forward to working together to create a city where all of us can thrive.

我想成为你的市长 因为萨克拉曼多理应有一位富有远见的领导人,他将设定政策和预算优先事项,组建董事会和委员会,以有意义地参与城市事务,为治理和社区意见提供明确的流程,探索节省资金和提高支出效率的方法,参与绿色活动,创造符合气候和经济目标的绿色就业机会,并保护我们的社区安全。
