December 3, 2024
Last night I called to offer my congratulations to mayor-elect Kevin McCarty. We had the first of many very forthright conversations about the future of Sacramento.
While I wished the outcome of the election was different, I want to take this moment to reflect on the movement we've built over the past 20 months. We proved that Sacramento believes that more is possible. We proved that Sacramento is a city filled with people who want effective solutions without compromising our compassion. We proved that there is viability and popularity in running a people-powered campaign without taking corporate contributions. We lived out our values by focusing on the vision for Sacramento and not maligning our opponents in the primary or general elections. We led with love and had a great time doing it.
The energy was palpable. People got involved who were never involved in a campaign or didn’t see themselves as “political”. We had conversations where people disagreed, listened, and learned from each other. We told a different story about Sacramento as a place where people care and where we can work together to create a future where we all thrive together.
I want to thank the thousands of active supporters who injected energy, enthusiasm and excitement as WE ran for mayor. I want to thank my small, but mighty staff for being the little engine that could and raising money that defied expectation. I want to thank the endorsers that saw a first time candidate and got behind someone who was not a career politician because they wanted to see change. And I want to thank the 94,491 voters and counting who said yes to a city with transformed public safety, effective homelessness solutions, affordable housing, a thriving arts community, a commitment to economic development all while aggressively combatting climate change.
We have a responsibility to stay involved and carry our vision forward. I am committed to supporting this new administration because their success is our success. Together we will collaborate, advocate, and hold leadership accountable to ensure Sacramento becomes a city where everyone thrives. WE ran for mayor. Now WE govern together.
萨克拉曼多需要新的领导层。我们已经看到萨克拉曼多的无家可归者危机严重失控,因为职业政治家迎合了大笔资金的腐败利益。我竞选市长是为了建设一个我们所有人都能蓬勃发展的城市,而不仅仅是高层人士。无家可归危机已经失控,是时候进行真正的变革了。 我竞选市长是为了提供解决方案:减少无家可归者,保护租户和房主,加强公共安全,创造高质量的就业机会,支持当地企业。齐心协力,我们可以为所有人建造一个繁荣的城市。
我的父母是公立学校的敬业老师,他们向我灌输了社区服务的价值。11岁那年,我因心脏病失去了父亲,这是一场由大烟草公司的欺骗造成的可预防的悲剧。 这种损失塑造了我的使命,即通过让政府为人民服务,而不是为特殊利益集团或政治内部人士服务来帮助家庭蓬勃发展。
作为公共卫生领袖,我一直在努力确保每个人都有机会过上长寿、健康和幸福的生活。在加州公共卫生部任职期间,我建立了一个全州联盟,将婴儿死亡率降低了14%,在《平价医疗法案》中扩大了女性医疗保健,并改善了应急响应。作为萨克拉曼多Measure U委员会的四届主席,我追究了该市的责任,主张按承诺使用纳税人的钱,以减少无家可归者和扩大青年服务。 在加州公共卫生部,我领导了一个联盟,该联盟将婴儿死亡率降低了14%,扩大了《平价医疗法案》规定的女性医疗保健,并改善了应急响应。 作为萨克拉曼多Measure U委员会主席,我推动该市按照承诺使用纳税人的钱,以减少无家可归者和扩大青年服务。我之所以竞选,是因为政治内部人士忽视了太多的声音。
作为公共卫生专业人员,我是为减少无家可归者做好最充分准备的候选人。我们将把在街道和公园里睡觉的人们转移到城市空地上的安全休息村。 我们将提供垃圾收集、淋浴以及心理健康和成瘾服务,并帮助他们走上通往永久住房的道路。